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Why Hire A Coach?

Coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.  The International Coaching Federation

What is Coaching?
Coaching is an interpersonal process that helps people achieve positive change and growth.  By harnessing innate strengths, uncovering intrinsic motivations, and asking empowering questions, coaching fosters self-generated insight, vistion, and goal clarity.  Institute of Coaching  McLean, Affiliate of Harvard Medical School

Coaching is a co-active client focused partnership. The coaching relationship assists the client through inquiry in the discovery of the client's vision and personalized goals. The coach assists the client in clarity, focus and the fullfillment of goals. The coach is an accountability partner– celebrating successes and helping to identify and eliminate barriers and helps to forward the follow-through the the client determines.  There are basic priniciples and practices that all coaches embrace.  Coaches are agents of change to assists clients in the success of their personalized goals.  The process is confidential.  Unlike therapy, which goes into depth about various issues and deals with the past, coaching is action and accountability oriented.  It focuses primariy on the present and future.  Coaches enable clients to determine their own answers through the partnering of the coaching - client relationship.

COACHING Can Empompass Numerous Areas:
  • Leadership
  • Personal/Life
  • Health/Wellness
  • Executive/Business/Leadership
  • Professional presence/confidence
  • Public Speaking
  • Life Balance
  • Team Development
  • Communication Challenges
  • Individual and Family Resilience
What is Personal/Life Coaching?

Life Coaches work with people in all areas of their life.  Some areas include relationship, career, finance, transitions in life, work/life balance, parenting, caregiving, grief and loss. A Life coach can help clairfy goals and vision, strategize and acquire the life skills that help clients to achieve goals. The coach can assist in overcoming barriers that help clients derail from their desired changes, acquire the skills, mindsets, or behaviors to achieve success in their personalized goals.  Clients need to be committed to the process, willing to do the work, and can realize their goals that help them experience fulfillment and purpose in the personal and professional life.

What is Executive Coaching?

The International Coaching Federation (ICF) defines Executive/Leadership coaching as:

"Executive coaching is a confidential, highly personalized learning process designed to bring about effective action, performance improvement, and/or personal growth for the individual manager or executive, as well as better business results for the organization.  Coaching builds the client's level of awareness and responsibility and provides the client with structure, support, and feedback.  It requires collaboration between the client, the coach, and key players within the organization to reach shared goals."

What is Health/Wellness Coaching?

The specialty designation of a Health/Wellness Coach requires specialized training from  a program approved by the ICF and the required experience in the area of health and wellness.  
A health and wellness coach facilitate a partnership and change process that enables clients to change their mindsets and develop and sustain behaviors proven to improve health and wellbeing, going beyond what they have been able to do. It is a co-created active partnership.  The coach assists the client in aspiring motivation and providing structure, accountablity, expertise in the area of health and wellness.

How you can benefit?
  • Seek awareness, insight, learning and choosing to act as your own change agent 
  • Focus on the present and the future to setting goals, designing actions, and managing accountabiity for lasting results 
  • Design a path for your personal or professional life consistent with your values, beliefs, and your authentic self 
  • Connect your growth and development with your organzation for shared growth and committment 
  • Willing to to the work with a speciailist that can assist you to acquire success 
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